If you are seeking to resolve your debt, we can help you out of your financial struggle. Here at Collection Receivables Inc., we are empathetic to your situation.
Our trained and knowledgeable financial experts can help you change your financial life and improve your credit. With improved credit, you can:
- Obtain a loan at the interest rate you want
- Use your current assets to obtain financial freedom
- Qualify to become a homeowner
Don’t have the balance in full today? Need a payment plan? Contact us today at 706-736-6746 to have one of our finance experts resolve your debts as quickly and easily as possible.
Visit the portal to get started.

Since 1997, Collection Receivables Inc. has provided businesses with professional, reliable, and effective debt collection services.
We understand how quickly lost revenue can negatively impact the success of your business. We can recover your charged off bad debts while maintaining a positive relationship with your clientele at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
Our goal is to provide you with a feeling of security, and this starts as soon as you get in touch with us. When you contact us, you do not go through an automated system, you speak to a live person knowledgeable about your account.
The dedicated staff at Collection Receivables Inc. works promptly and efficiently to collect your unpaid accounts. Our decades of experience combined with our exceptional rates have placed Collection Receivables Inc. among some of the best debt collection companies in the nation.

We offer debt collection services for a variety of industries. And in some circumstances, we are able to pursue litigation and garnishment for your unpaid debts as necessary and approved by you, our client.

When you partner with us to collect your charged off bad debts, it is at no out-of-pocket cost to you to place the account. We customize our collection process based on your business type and needs.
Once we agree on a contract, we can begin to collect the very next business day. You will re-ceive monthly statements and checks from us outlining every detail of every payment.